Local 26 sponsoring Immigration Clinic

heidycropIn coalition with the MIRA Coalition and church and community groups, Local 26 is offering free citizenship application workshops for eligible green-card holders. Members who qualify and do not already receive legal assistance through our the Legal Fund should attend. Read more

El Mundo Boston: Local 26 Members Making a Difference in East Boston

Photos and quotes of Local 26 members are featured prominently in the February 19th edition of El Mundo Boston. Read more

Local 26 voter registration success

Local 26 member Heidy delivered a stack of new Local 26 voter registrations today. heidycrop

Strong East Boston: Vote Joe Ruggiero March 3

Joe-L26Boston’s Local 26 is proud to stand with Joe Ruggiero, candidate for State Representative of the First Suffolk District in East Boston. Joe Ruggiero believes in an East Boston where residents have good wages, good benefits, and a say in development issues that affect them.

“I will be a strong voice for hotel and food service workers,” Ruggiero said. “I will fight to make sure you have a living wage and good benefits.”

Ruggiero has the endorsement of many unions and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “Joe Ruggiero has a vision for an East Boston that is strong and healthy,” said Local 26 President Brian Lang. “Our members in East Boston share that vision.”

IMG_3019Please vote for Joe Ruggiero March 3rd. Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM. Please contact Jaimie McNeil at (617) 832-6643 if you have any questions or to find out how to get involved.

Union hotels matter to Roxbury residents

Kalila Barnett of Alternatives for Community and Environment noted that the Local 26 hospitality union starts workers at $18 per hour with benefits…“The hotel chosen by Urbanica is non-union, and will pay $5 less than union standard,” Barnett said. “I’m wondering, why is Roxbury being treated differently?”