Who We Are

DSC_0036UNITE HERE Local 26 represents workers in the hospitality industries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our members work in Boston and Providence’s best hotels, restaurants, and university dining halls in addition to the Boston Convention Centers, Fenway Park and Logan International Airport. We clean hotel rooms, greet guests, and prepare and serve food for hundreds of thousands of travelers to Boston and the northeast.

UNITE HERE is the union of workers in North America’s hotel, gaming, restaurant, food service, laundry, and textile industries. It was formed in July 2004, from the merger of UNITE! (formerly the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textiles Employees and HERE (Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees), and represents more than 250,000 workers in the US and Canada. Learn more at www.unitehere.org.

Eat, Meet, & Sleep Union in Boston and Providence. Click here for a list of where Local 26 members work.

Elected Leaders

Carlos Aramayo

Nelson Rodriguez

Michael Kramer

Latifa Bekhechi

Jerry Works
John Flannery
William Lee

  • Aissata Seck
  • Andee Huang
  • Chris Cook
  • Chui Lin Law
  • Darryl Singletary
  • Estella Cosby
  • Eugene Van Buren
  • Henrique Fernandes
  • Jenna Karlin
  • Juan Eusebio
  • Karan Burton
  • Laura Moye
  • Nancy Iadeluca
  • Richard Aliferis
  • Roxanna Santana
  • Zahra Warsame

Contact Us

52 Church Street
Boston, MA 02116

Phone: (617) 832-6699
E-mail: [email protected]

Local 26 Social Media