Harvard dining hall workers prepare mobile strike headquarters
Harvard dining hall workers prepare to strike Wednesday
As negotiations continue, workers establish mobile strike headquarters
Cambridge, MA— Harvard University dining hall workers, members of UNITE HERE Local 26, are finalizing strike plans. On Tuesday afternoon, workers will assemble hundreds of picket signs, review strike assignments, and load strike supplies into four 29-foot RVs that will serve as mobile Strike Headquarters. If a settlement is not reached, pickets will go up at 16 locations on Wednesday.
Negotiators will continue to meet on Monday and Tuesday in hopes of hammering out a deal that would avert the strike. Tuesday will mark the 19th session of bargaining that began May 20.
Dining hall workers’ key concerns are affordable health care and the ability to earn sustainable incomes of at least $35,000 a year. The Harvard Administration is proposing workers pay more for basic medical services, including taking their kids for check-ups.
What: Harvard dining hall workers and students will make picket signs and load strike supplies, such as bullhorns, bucket drums, cases of water, into four 29-foot strike support RVs
When: Tuesday, October 4, 12pm to 6pm
Where: 1A Garden St, Harvard Square
Who: Harvard kitchen and cafeteria workers in uniform, Harvard undergraduate and graduate students.
Visuals: Workers and students stapling together picket signs, putting batteries in bullhorns, and carrying supplies into strike support RVs.
UNITE HERE Local 26 represents 9,000 workers in the hospitality industries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our members work in Boston’s best hotels, restaurants, and university dining halls in addition to the Boston Convention Centers, Fenway Park and Logan International Airport. We clean hotel rooms, greet guests, and prepare and serve food for hundreds of thousands of travelers to New England. Learn more at www.local26.org.
Media contact: Tiffany Ten Eyck, [email protected], 313-515-1807